NX-300 TERMINAL FUNCTION54Name I/O Signal Function Rating and ConditionType Parameter Min Typ Max UnitPTT2 O Digital PTT output [Output]Output Impedance 10k Ω[Input]PTT1 I Digital PTT input VIH 2.8 3.3 VVIL 0 0.5 V[Input]MDSW I Digital Man down switch input VIH 2.8 3.3 VVIL 0 0.5 VGND - GND GND Allowable current value mAVOH(Io=-5mA) 4.0 - 5.3 VTXD O Digital Serial data output VOL(Io=5mA) 0 - 0.8 VBaud Rate 19200 bpsVIH 2.8 - 5.3 VRXD I Digital Serial data input VIL 0 - 0.8 VBaud Rate 19200 bpsRSSI O Analog RSSI output Output Impedance 10k ΩSolder PadPin No. Name I/O Function38 /DSW I APC voltage discharge switch control input39 APC I APC control input40 /APCSW I APC switch control input41 VCO_MOD I VCO modulation input42 THP O Thermistor voltage output43 PLD O PLL lock detect output44 RFAGC I RF AGC control input45 SCK1 I PLL clock input46 GND - GND47 S_DET O Battery select output48 GND - GND49 NC - No connection50 IF_DET O IF outputCN9011 PTT I Internal PTT input2 GND - GND3 Side_G O Key matrix output (SIDE1,2 key)4 Side_1 I Key matrix input (SIDE1 key)5 Side_2 I Key matrix input (SIDE2 key)Option board unit (X57-7370-10 B/2)Pin No. Name I/O FunctionCN7371 OPT1 I/O2 OPT3 I/O3 26P_RD I4 26P_TD O5 NC -6 OPT4 O7 OPT10 O8 OPT5 O9 DGND -10 AGND -11 NC -12 NC - Refer to “CN737 Option board13 AGND - connector specification”14 5V O described on pages 60 to 63.15 OPT9 I16 DTI I17 OPT8 I/O18 OPT11 O19 OPT7 I/O20 OPT2 I/O21 TXO O22 RXEO O23 RXEI I24 TXI I25 OPT6 O26 POW O