NX-42034■ Frequency and SignalingThe transceiver has been adjusted for the frequenciesshown in the following table. When required, readjust themfollowing the adjustment procedure to obtain the frequenciesyou want in actual operation.• Test frequencyCH K3RX (MHz) TX (MHz)1 851.05000 806.050002 860.05000 815.050003 869.95000 824.950004 851.55000 806.550005 860.55000 815.550006 869.45000 824.450007~16 - -• Analog mode signalingNo. RX TX1 None None2 None 100Hz Square Wave3LTR Data:AREA=0, GOTO=12HOME=12ID=47, FREE=25LTR Data:AREA=0, GOTO=12HOME=12ID=47, FREE=254 QT: 67.0Hz QT: 67.0Hz5 QT: 151.4Hz QT: 151.4Hz6 QT: 210.7Hz QT: 210.7Hz7 QT: 254.1Hz QT: 254.1Hz8 DQT: D023N DQT: D023N9 DQT: D754I DQT: D754I10 DTMF: 159D DTMF: 159D11 None DTMF Code 915 None MSK PN916 MSK MSK• NXDN mode signalingNo. RX TX1 RAN1 RAN12 None PN93 RAN1 Maximum deviation pattern7 None FSW+PN99TonePattern(1031Hz)(Simple BER Mea-surement)Tone Pattern(1031Hz)RAN: Radio Access NumberPN9: Pseudo-Random Pattern (for production only)No.7/No.9 Item: PC test mode only.Panel Tuning Mode (K3 model only)■ Transceiver tuning (To enter tuning mode)To enter tuning mode, press the [ ] key while the trans-ceiver is in test mode. Use the [ ] key to write tuning datathrough tuning modes, and the [Selector] to adjust tuningrequirements (1 to 4096 appears on the LCD).Use the [ ] key to select the adjustment item throughtuning modes. Use the [ ] key to adjust 2/3/4 reference leveladjustments, and use the [Side2] key to switch betweenWide/Narrow/Very narrow.• LCD display in panel tuning modeB A L 1 2 9Adjustment item Adjustment valueNarrow/Wide 5k/Wide 4k/Very narrowNarrow2/3/4 reference levelWide 4k: Low: Center: HighVery narrowWide 5kTalk Around■ Key operationKey FunctionPush Hold (1 second)[Selector] Adjustment value up/down[Side1] 20Hz/2kHz (During transmis-sion in balance adjustment) -[Side2] Wide/Narrow/Very narrow -[ ] Shift to panel test mode -[ ] To enter 5 reference leveladjustments -[ ] Writes the adjustment value -[ ] Go to next adjustment item Back to last adjust-ment item[AUX] -[PTT] Transmit[0] to [9]and[#], [ ]-ADJUSTMENT