NX-42048ADJUSTMENTItemCondition Measurement Adjustment Specifications /RemarksPanel tuning mode PC test mode Test-equipment Unit Terminal Unit Parts MethodMSKDeviation4[Wide 4k]1) Adj item: [MSK]Adjust: [ . .]2) Adj item: [M.S.K._._.][M.S.K._._.](TA)PTT: ONPress [ ] key tostore the adjust-ment value.1) Adj item: [MSKDeviation (AnalogWide 4k)]2) Adj item: [Hight],[Hight](TA)PTT: Press[Transmit] button.Press [Apply] buttonto store the adjust-ment value.DeviationmeterOscilloscopePanel ANT Panel [Paneltuningmode]Selector[PC testmode][ ],[ ]Write the value asfollowings.513 (Referencevalue)2.40kHz±0.05kHz[Wide 5k] 1) Adj item: [MSK]Adjust: [ . . .]2) Adj item: [M.S.K._._.][M.S.K._._.](TA)PTT: ONPress [ ] key tostore the adjust-ment value.1) Adj item: [MSKDeviation (AnalogWide 5k)]2) Adj item: [Hight],[Hight](TA)PTT: Press[Transmit] button.Press [Apply] buttonto store the adjust-ment value.3.00kHz±0.05kHz12. CW IDDeviation4[NXDNVeryNarrow]1) Adj item: [CWID]Adjust: [ ]Deviation meterLPF: 15kHzHPF: OFFPTT: ONPress [ ] key tostore the adjust-ment value.1) Adj item: [CW IDDeviation (NXDNVery Narrow)]Deviation meterLPF: 15kHzHPF: OFFPTT: Press[Transmit] button.Press [Apply] buttonto store the adjust-ment value.Write the value asfollowings.376 (Referencevalue)1.00kHz±0.10kHz4: Refer to the “Necessary Deviation adjustment item for each signaling and mode” table on page 70.13. BatteryWarningLevelwriting1) Adj item: [BATT]Adjust: [ ]PTT: ON1) Adj item: [BatteryWarning Level]PTT: Press[Transmit] button.Power meterDVMPanel ANTBATTterminalPress the PTTswitch or [Transmit]button on the PCwindow.Apply 6.20V tobattery terminal.Confi rm that onepre-determined nu-meric in the range 1to 256 appears.[Panel tuning mode]Press [ ] key tostore the adjust-ment value.[PC test mode]Press [Apply] buttonto store the adjust-ment value.14. BatteryWarningLevelcheck[Panel test mode]1) CH-Sig: 1-1BATT terminalvoltage: 6.0V whiletransmitting1) Test ChannelChannel: 1Test SignalingMode: AnalogSignaling: 1BATT terminalvoltage: 6.0V whiletransmittingCheck The transceiver cantransmit with caus-ing the LED to blink.