NOTIFICATION OF WATER-RESISTANT MODELW0t4r R4sist0n24 0nd M0int4n0n24W0t4r-R4s8st0nt Mo34l tr0ns248v4r 2on5orms to t74 5ollow8n6 st0n30r3s.Imm4rsion: T74 tr0ns248v4r r4t08ns 8ts w0t4r r4s8st0nt 20p018l8t84soutl8n43 8n U.S. M8l8t0ry St0n30r3s w74n su1m4rs43 8n w0t4r 0t 0 34pt7o5 ʸ m4t4r ƺʺ.ʹʿ 544tƻ 5or ʹ 7ours.IPʽʽ/ IPʽʾ/ IPʽʿ: T74 IP st0n30r3 8s t74 prot42t8on l4v4l sp4285843 1y t748nt4rn0t8on0l st0n30r3 IEC ʽʷʼʹˀ. T74 58rst num4r0l 8n3820t4s t74 ơ3ust-r4s8st0nt l4v4lƢ 0n3 t74 s42on3 num4r0l 8n3820t4s t74 ơw0t4r-r4s8st0ntƢl4v4l.Not4:● In8t80l w0t4r-r4s8st0nt t4sts 0n3 pro243ur4s 0r4 p4r5orm43 pro3u2tsupon 148n6 or34r43 5rom KENWOOD.PRECAUTIONS● T74 0ppl8201l4 st0n30r3s l8st43 01ov4 3o not 0ssur4 t70t t74tr0ns248v4r 20n 14 us43 8n w0t4r. T74 tr0ns248v4r m0y 14 30m0643 8n0 s8tu0t8on 8n w7827 t74 m0x8mum 34pt7 8s ov4r ʸ m4t4r or t74 m0x8mumsu1m4rs8on t8m4 4x2443s ʹ 7ours.● O1s4rv4 t74 5ollow8n6 pr420ut8ons to m08nt08n t74 tr0ns248v4r’s w0t4r-r4s8st0nt p4r5orm0n24:0ƻ Do not 3rop or 0pply stron6 p7ys820l s7o2ks to t74 tr0ns248v4r.1ƻ Do not 38s0ss4m1l4 or 0tt4mpt to mo385y t74 tr0ns248v4r. ƺI5 8t 8s38s0ss4m1l43 or mo385843, 8ts p4r5orm0n24 8s not 6u0r0nt443.ƻ2ƻ Do not so0k t74 tr0ns248v4r 8n w0t4r t70t 2ont08ns 0 solv4nt orsur502t0nt, su27 0s 34t4r64nt or 0l2o7ol.● I5 8t 8s so0k43 8n mu33y w0t4r or s0lt w0t4r ƺ8n2lu38n6 s40 w0t4rƻ, 8t m0y142om4 2orro343. Imm4380t4ly 5lus7 w8t7 5r4s7 w0t4r 0n3 t74n w8p43ry w8t7 0 so5t 2lot7.● I5 w0t4r 8s spl0s743 onto t74 m82rop7on4, t74 10tt4ry, or t74 0nt4nn0t4rm8n0l, 2l40n 0n3 3ry t74m w8t7 0 so5t 2lot7 145or4 r42onn42t8n6 tot74 tr0ns248v4r.● W74n w0t4r 64ts 8nto t74 m82rop7on4 op4n8n6 or t74 sp40k4r 6r8ll, t74vo824 l4v4l m0y 142om4 low or 38stort43. L867tly s70k4 t74 tr0ns248v4rto r4mov4 t74 w0t4r 5rom t74 sp40k4r 0n3/or m82rop7on4 145or4op4r0t8n6 t74 tr0ns248v4r.● Us4 o5 0ny opt8on on t74 tr0ns248v4r not sp4285843 1y KENWOOD, m0yr43u24 or vo83 t74 w0t4r r4s8st0nt 0n3 3ust r4s8st0nt p4r5orm0n24.ʸʷ