INSTALLING THE CAP OVER THE UNIVERSALCONNECTOR.ʸ I5 you 0r4 not us8n6 0n opt8on0lsp40k4r/ m82rop7on4 or7403s4t, 8nst0ll t74 20p ov4rt74 un8v4rs0l 2onn42tor.ʹ S42ur4 t74 20p 8n pl024 us8n6t74 3r4ss8n6 s2r4w..INSTALLING THE ƺOPTIONALƻ SPEAKER/ MICROPHONEOR HEADSETʸ Ins4rt t74 6u834 o5 t74 sp40k4r/ m82rop7on4 or 7403s4t2onn42tor 8nto t74 6roov4 o5 t74 un8v4rs0l 2onn42tor.ʹ S42ur4 t74 2onn42tor 8n pl024 us8n6 t74 0tt02743 s2r4w.Optionalspeaker/ microphoneNot4:● W74n not us8n6 0n opt8on0l sp40k4r/ m82rop7on4 or 7403s4t, 8nst0llt74 20p ov4r t74 un8v4rs0l 2onn42tor.● T74 no8s4 20n24l8n6 5un2t8on on KMC-ʼʻWD Sp40k4r M82rop7on4works us8n6 t74 1u8lt-8n DSP o5 t74 tr0ns248v4r, 0n3 20n only 14 us43w8t7 NX-ʼʷʷʷ s4r84s Port01l4 mo34ls.Universalconnector capʸʽ