1-14 (No.RA032)2.3.3 External Speaker (Option) KES-3The KES-3 is an external speaker for the 3.5-mm-diameterspeaker jack.Connection ProcedureConnect the KES-3 to the 3.5-mm-diameter speaker jack onthe rear of the transceiver.Fig.3- KES-5External speaker KES-5 can be installed for KAP-2. If KES-5 isinstalled, it can be set by changing the CN1 short pin from pins 4and 5 to pins 5 and 6 on the KAP-2.When you use the KES-5, plug the short pin to pins 5 and 6 onthe KAP-2.When you use the INT. SP or KES-3, plug the short pin to pins 4and 5 on the KAP-2.Fig.3-2Connection ProcedureInsert the crimp terminal into the Square plug supplied with theKAP-2.Fig.3-3KAP-2 Cable (E37-1113-25) 6-pin ConnectorKAP-2 CN1 Connect Set Up4-5 INT. SP or KES-35-6 KES-5HR1HR2EXTINTCN11 6KAP-2 unitShort pinKES-5INT. SPorKES-345 Square plug(E59-0419-05)Black/WhiteleadBlack leadInsulating cover(F29-0481-15)321654Pin No.123456ColorRedBlueYellowGreenBrownBlackNameHR2GNDOSPESPGNDHR1