2. SPECIFICATIONS AND ACCESSORIES2-1. SPECIFICATIONSItem SpecificationsCRT 6-inch-square, internal graticuleTRANSMITTED WAVE MONITOR TERMINALObservable frequency 1.8~ 150 MHzMaximum power | 1-8~80 MHz 2 kWeep (up to 5 min at max ATT)throughput 30~ 150 MHz 100 WeepDeflection 1.8~80 Hz More than 1 divsensitivity(input, 5 W) __|30~ 150 MHz More than 0.6 divAttenuator 6-stepTWO-TONE OSCILLATOR PORTION[Oscillator frequencies 1,000 Hz, 1,575 Hz +10%Output voltage 5 mV (in TWO-TONE mode) +20%Output impedance 600 ohmBAND SCOPE PORTION (‘‘SLOW" SCAN SPEED)“>Input center frequency 8.830 MHztoResolution 1 kHz (6 dB bandwidth)Input sensitivity More than 1 div per 10 nV rmsAttenuator 0, —20 dB, and — 40 dB (ATT switch 1, 1/10, and 1/100)SCAN width +25 kHz, +100 kHz, +250 kHz selectableMarker precision +10% (Marker displayed only in + 25 kHz range)OSILLOSCOPE PORTIONVertical UnitDeflection sensitivity 10 mV/div ~ 10 Vidiv +5%Frequency |DC DC~ 10 MHz (—3 dB)characteristics |AC 5 Hz~ 10 MHz (-—3 dB)Input impednace 1Mohm + 2%, Less than 50 pFAttenuator 1, 1/10, 1/100, and GND (interrange deviation: less than + 3%)/\, Maximum tolerable input voltage 250 V (DC + ACpeax) or input voltage 500 Vp-p (below 1 kHz)Sweep circuitSweep mode trigger sweep (in absence of signal, auto free run)Sweep frequency 10 Hz~ 100 kHz (4 ranges and interrange fine adjust possible)Sweep linearity Less than 5%TriggeringTrigger sensitivity Less than 1 div (10 Hz~ 10 MHz sine wave)Trigger level FIX modeCoupling ACPolarity RisingCalibration voltageAmplitude 0.5 Vp-p +3% square wave, + polarityFrequency 1kHz +5%X-TUNE PORTIONSensitivity 300 mV/8 div + 20%Input impedance 50 kohm +20% (at 1 kHz)Frequency characteristic 100 Hz~ 10 kHz (within — 3 dB)A Maximum tolerable input voltage 3 Vims [4.5 V (DC + ACpeax)]