4. FRONT AND REAR PANELS4-1. FRONT PANELKENWOOD STATION MONITOR SM-230CJCSCcATTCJONOFF PULL TRACE ROTAINTENSITY PULL ASTIGFocus©DQ af® ® ©®@Figure 1@ POWER IndicatorLights up when the POWER switch is pushed.@ POWER SwitchThe ON/OFF switch. Push to switch the unit ON.@ INTENSITY/PULL TRACE ROTATION ControlINTENSITY : Used to adjust the brightness of thebeam trace.: When the knob is turned in thepulled-out position, it adjusts theinclination of the horizontal traceline. Used to adjust for deviationsresulting from the effects of theEarth’s magnetic field.TRACE ROTATION@ FOCUS/PULL ASTIG ControlFOCUS : Used for focal adjustment.ASTIG : When turned in the pulled-out po-sition, adjusts the convergence ofthe beam. Used together with FO-CUS to obtain crisp, clear-cutwaveforms.©) VERTICAL INPUT JackThe vertical input terminal used in the oscilloscope mode.{_____BANDISCOPESCAN WIDTH | SCAN SPEEDas ae HORIZONTAL TONE==Tallisred mon30 OPENIRF ATT+25kHz ow=+260e,"TUNEper ci OSCILLOkHz SCOPESWEEP RANGE10-100 Hr é)Eh1O KH] VARIABLE’1/100a 6 100-1 kHzVARIABLE] @ALANCECALheh4oe© ©©®8® OO @© ATT 1/100, 1/10, 1 Switch assemblyUsed for adjusting input levels of vertical amplifier in theoscilloscope and bandscope modes. When set to ‘1,”’the signals input into INPUT ©) are passed directy intothe vertical amplifier. When set to ‘1/10’ or ‘’1/100,”the signals are attenuated and the amplitude of the wave-form on the monitor is reduced to 1/10 or 1/100, respec-tively. (Displayed as —20dB or —40dB when inbandscope mode)@ GND AC/DC SwitchThe switch that selects the coupling mode for the verti-cal input signals in the oscilloscope mode.GND: The input signals and the vertical amplifier are iso-lated from each other and the amplifier input isgrounded. In this way, the ground potential canbe verified.AC: The input signals are AC-coupled, and DC com-ponents are removed. :DC_: The input signals are DC-coupled, and observa-tion can be performed with the DC componentsincluded.Note:When the GND switch is depressed, GND receives pri-ority over AC/DC and the vertical amplifier input isgrounded. PreviousNext |