TH-22A/AT/E SEMICONDUCTOR DATA16Pin No. Pin name Port name vO Function17 D3 SDA VO | EEPROM IC data input/output.18 D4 CHOFF i CH display mode release input.19 D5 UL | PLL IC unlock signal input.20 D6 PTT | PTT SW input.21 D7 SD | DTMF iC data (SD) input.22 D8 LAMP (e) Lamp control output.23 D9 SAVE (e) Save power supply contro! output.24 D10/STOPG SDO | CTCSS IC tone match signal (DET) input.25 D1{ANTO Release.26 ROO/INT4 STD | DTMF IC data detection (STD) input.27 ROW/INT2 UP | Encoder data input.28 ROZ/INT3 DN | Encoder interrupt input. (tL edge)29 ROS/INT4 INT4 | Power supply detection port. (NN edge)30 R10/TOB BEEP (e) Beep tone, 1750Hz output.31 R11/TOC AFC1 oO Audio amplifier power supply control output.32 R12/TOD TO 16) Subtone output. (PWM)33 RI3/EVNB NC Release.34 R20/EVND TX ie) Transmit VCO power supply control output.35 R21/SCK 3MS ie) Power supply contro! output (except microprocessor and EEPROM).36 R22/S| EL QO Economic low power control output.37 R23/SO H/L ie) Transmission output switching power supply contro! output.38 RB30/SEG1 3TS (@) Power module power supply contro! output.39 B31/SEG2 MUTE 10) Audio mute/microphone mute control output.40 B32/SEG3 AFCO ie) Audio amplifier power supply control output.4t R33/SEG4 PD 1@) DTMF receiver PD pin control output.42 R40/SEG5 MRWT ie) Production-time automatic frequency write mode. (¢ edge)43 R41/SEG6 SMCALL O S-meter adjustment mode. (1 edge)44 R42/SEG7 ET ie) CTCSS IC chip select (ST) output.45 R43/SEG8 EP (@) PLL IC chip select (LE) output.46 R50/SEG9 KOUTO 0 Key scan output 047 R51/SEG10 KOUTI ie) Key scan output 148 RS52/SEG11 KOUT2 oO Key scan output 249 RS53/SEG12 KOUT3 1@) Key scan output 350 REOQ/SEGI3 SINO | Destination input 0 (internal pull-up)51 R61/SEG14 SIN1 I Destination input 4 (internal pull-up)52 RE2Z/SEG15 KSINO1 | Key scan input 0 (internal pull-up)53 R63/SEG16 KSIN1 i Key scan input 1 (internal pull-up)54 R70/SEG17 KSIN2 | Key sean input 2 (internal pull-up)55 B71/SEG18 KSIN3 | Key scan input 3 (internal pull-up)56 B72/SEGI9 KSIN4 | Key scan input 4 (internat pull-up)57 R73/SEG20 KSINS | Key scan input 5 (internal pull-up)58-89 SEG21-52 SEG21, 52 O LCD display segment signal output (Segments 48-52: release)90-93 COM1-4 COM1-4 (e) LCD display common signal output (COM4: release)94-96 Vi, V2, V3 V1, V2, V3 Release LCD driver power supply.97 Vcc VDD Power supply voltage.98 TONEC TOC 1@) DTMF signal column side output.99 TONER TOR ‘e) DTMF signal row side output.100 VTref VTREF OTMF output reference level power supply.