TK-220023ADJUSTMENTConnect the power cable properly between the battery jiginstalled in the transceiver and the power supply, and be sureoutput voltage and the power supply polarity prior to switchingthe power supply ON, otherwise over voltage and reverseconnection may damage the transceiver, or the power supplyor both.Note: When using the battery jig, you must measure thevoltage at the terminals of the battery jig. Otherwise, a slightvoltage drop may occur within the power cable, between thepower supply and the battery jig, especially while thetransceiver transmits.+ Terminal(Red)– Terminal(Black)C3100/25VC2470P/25VC1100P/25VR11.8M–S+PowersupplyPower cableSCHEMATIC DIAGRAM2. Repair Jig (Chassis)Use jig (part No.: A10-4086-03) for repairing the TK-2200.Place the TX-RX unit on the jig and fit it with screws.The jig facilitates the voltage check and protects the finalamplifier FET when the voltage on the flow side of the TX-RXunit is checked during repairs.3. Battery Jig (W05-1011-00)Test Equipment Required for AlignmentTest Equipment Major Specifications1. Standard Signal Generator Frequency Range 150 to 174MHz.(SSG) Modulation Frequency modulation and external modulation.Output -127dBm/0.1μV to greater than -47dBm/1mV2. Power Meter Input Impedance 50Ω.Operation Frequency 150 to 174MHz.Measurement Range Vicinity of 10W3. Deviation Meter Frequency Range 150 to 174MHz.4. Digital Volt Meter Measuring Range 10mV to 10V DC(DVM) Input Impedance High input impedance for minimum circuit loading.5. Oscilloscope DC through 30MHz.6. High Sensitivity Frequency Range 10Hz to 1000MHz.Frequency Counter Frequency Stability 0.2ppm or less.7. Ammeter 5A.8. AF Volt Meter Frequency Range 50Hz to 10kHz.(AF VTVM) Voltage Range 1mV to 10V.9. Audio Generator (AG) Frequency Range 50Hz to 5kHz or more.Output 0 to 1V.10. Distortion Meter Capability 3% or less at 1kHz.Input Level 50mV to 10Vrms.11. Spectrum Analyzer Measuring Range DC to 1GHz or more12. Tracking Generator Center frequency 50kHz to 600MHzOutput Voltage 100mV or more13. 8Ω Dummy Load Approx. 8Ω, 3W.14. Regulated Power Supply 5V to 10V, approx. 3AUseful if ammeter equipped.■ The following parts are required foradjustment1. Antenna connector adapterThe antenna connector of this radio uses an SMA terminal.Use an antenna connector adapter [SMA(f) – BNC(f) orSMA(f) – N(f)] for adjustment. (The adapter is not provided asan option, so buy a commercially-available one.)+ Terminal (Red)– Terminal (Black)