TK-30007PC KPG-22A or KPG-22U or KPG-22A+KCT-53UIllustration is KPG-22A.KPG-137D(ver. 1.10 or later)Tuning cable /(E30-3216-05)D-SUBTransceiver Transceiver TransceiverKPG-22APCGrayGray/Black1.5D-XV Lead wire1.5D-XV Shield wire+–+–SPMIC(9-pin / )KPG-22UPCUSBKPG-22AKCT-53UPCUSB4. Clone ModeProgramming data can be transferred from one trans-ceiver to another by connecting them via their SP/MIC con-nectors.Cloning can be performed as described below (the trans-mit transceiver is the source and the receive transceiver isthe target).The following data cannot be cloned.• Tuning data• Model name data• ESN data1. Turn the source transceiver and target transceiver powerOFF.2. Turn the source transceiver power ON while pressing the[PTT] and [Side] keys, to enter clone mode.3. Connect the cloning cable (part No. E30-3410-05) to theSP/MIC connectors on the source and target transceiv-ers.4. Turn the target transceiver power ON.5. Press the [Side] key on the source transceiver. The data ofthe source is sent to the target. While the source is send-ing data, red LED will light. While the target is receivingthe data, green LED will light. When cloning of data iscompleted, the source red LED turned off, and the targetautomatically operates in the User mode.6. Additional targets can be continuously cloned. Whenthe [Side] key on the source is pressed, the data of thesource is sent to the target again. Repeat steps 3 to 5 toclone additional transceivers.Fig. 1 / 图 1KPG-22A 或 KPG-22U 或 KPG-22A+KCT-53U插图为 KPG-22A。灰色灰色 / 黑色1.5D-XV 导线1.5D-XV 屏蔽线调谐电缆9 针手持对讲机 手持对讲机 手持对讲机4. 复制模式用 SP/MIC 连接器连接手持对讲机,可以将编程数据从一台手持对讲机传输到另一台手持对讲机。如下所述可进行复制(发射手持对讲机为主机,接收手持对讲机为子机)。以下数据不能复制。·调谐数据·机型数据·ESN 数据1. 关闭主机和子机的电源。2. 按 [PTT] 和 [ 侧面 ] 键的同时打开主机的电源,使其进入复制模式。3. 将复制电缆(零件号 E30-3410-05)连接到主、子机的SP/MIC 连接器上。4. 打开子机的电源。5. 按主机上的 [ 侧面 ] 键。主机的数据便被发送到子机。主机发送数据时,红色 LED将呈。子机接收数据时,绿色 LED 呈。数据复制完成后,主机的红色 LED 熄灭,子机自动以用户模式运行。6. 可以继续复制其他子机。按主机上的 [ 侧面 ] 键,主机的数据再次被发送到子机。重复步骤 3 ~ 5 复制其他手持对讲机。REALIGNMENT / 模式组合(ver.1.10 或更高版本 )