TK-3148123-4. Audio amplifier circuitThe demodulated signal from IC200 goes through themute switch (Q204) and is amplified by IC300 (2/2), high-pass filtered, low-pass filtered, high-pass filtered, band-eliminate fi ltered, and de-emphasized by IC500.The signal then goes through an AF amplifi er IC305 (2/2),an electronic volume control (IC307), and an AF switch (Q308is on), and is routed to audio power amplifi er (IC313), whereit is amplifi ed and output to the internal speaker.The audio mute signal (AM1) from the shift register be-comes Low in the standby and Q302 and Q305 which arepower supply circuit for IC313 turn off. Also, IC500 is set tothe power down mode according to data from MCU, andthe AF signal is muted. When the audio is output, AM1 be-comes High to turn Q302 and Q305 ON, and voltage is sup-plied to power terminal VP of IC313. Also, IC500 is canceledout of the power down mode.The speaker is switched by the logic of speaker switchingterminal SSW on the universal connector. When SP-MIC isnot attached, the logic of SSW becomes High and SW (Q308)is turned ON, and the AF signal is input to both amplifiers ofIC313.When SP-MIC is attached, SSW is connected to GND atinside of SP-MIC. For this reason, Q308 is turned OFF, andthe AF signal is input only to amplifi er for EXT SP of IC313.Change of INT/EXT SP refer to Fig. 4.AM1 SSW VC1 VC2 SPH H H L INTH L L H EXTL H L L MUTEL L L L MUTE3-4. 音频放大器电路来自于 I C200 的解调信号进入静音开关 ( Q204),并且被IC300(2/2) 放大,被 IC500 高通滤波,低通滤波,高通滤波,带阻滤波和去加重。然后信号通过音频放大器 I C305(2/2),电子音量控制器(IC307) 和音频开关 (Q308 接通 ),并且发送到音频功率放大器 (IC313),被放大后输出到内置扬声器。来自于位移存储器的音频静音信号 ( A M1) 待机时变为低电平,给 I C313 供电的电路 Q302 和 Q305 断开。同时,I C500按照来自于 M C U 的数据被设定为低功率模式,音频信号处于被静音状态。当输出音频时,音频静音信号变为高电平并接通 Q302 和 Q305,并向 IC313 的功率端点 VP 提供电压。同时,IC500 取消低功率模式。扬声器被通用接口上的扬声器开关端点 S S W 的逻辑电路开启。当扬声器 - 话筒不接上时,SSW 的逻辑电路变为高电平且SW(Q308) 被接通,同时信号被输入到 IC313 的两个放大器。当扬声器 - 话筒接上时,SSW 与扬声器 - 话筒内的地线连接。因此,Q308 断开,音频信号只输入到 IC31 的 EXT SP 放大器。有关 INT/EXT SP 的变化参见图 4。AM1 SSW VC1 VC2 SPH H H L INTH L L H EXTL H L L 静音L L L L 静音SWIC31328AM1AFSSWINT.SPEXT.SPQ303Q302SBVP 5VC1VC2Q307Q305Fig. 4 Audio amplifier circuit / 图 4 音频放大器电路CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION / 电路说明