TK-314836■ Repair jig (Chassis)Use jig (part No.: A10-4060-04) for repairing the TK-3148.Place the TX-RX unit on the jig and fi t it with screws.The jig facilitates the voltage check and protects the mod-ule when the voltage on the flow side of the TX-RX unit ischecked during repairs.■ Battery jig (W05-0909-00)Connect the power cable properly between the batteryjig installed in the transceiver and the power supply, andbe sure output voltage and the power supply polarity priorto switching the power supply ON, otherwise over voltageand reverse connection may damage the transceiver, or thepower supply or both.Note: When using the battery jig, you must measure thevoltage at the terminals of the battery jig. Otherwise, aslight voltage drop may occur within the power cable, be-tween the power supply and the battery jig, especially whilethe transceiver transmits.■ How to remove the cable1. Gently draw out both sides of the connector lever uni-formly in the direction of the arrow with tweezers. (CN303,CN304, CN305, CN306)2. Gently rise up the connector lever in the direction of thearrow with a fine regular screwdriver or tweezers. (CN301,CN302, CN400)■维修机架 ( 机壳 )使用机壳 (A10-4060-04) 维修 TK-3148。将 TX-RX 单元放置在机壳上,并且拧上螺钉。在维修过程中,当需要在 T X - R X 单元的电路板上检测到电压时,机壳可以方便地进行电压检测,并且保护模块。■电池夹具 (W05-0909-00)在安装了电池夹具的无线电收发机和电源之间连接电源电缆,并确认输出电压和两极接通后电源是否确实接通,否则过高电压和电极连接颠倒都有可能损坏无线电收发机或电源或都被损坏。注 : 当使用电池夹具时,你必须测试电池夹具的两个电极的电压。否则当无线电收发机收发信时,在电源和电池夹具之间的电缆线上会发生微小的电压降。■如何取下电缆1. 按照箭头所示的方向,用镊子均匀地将连接器推杆的两侧橇开。(CN303,CN304,CN305,CN306)2. 使用常用的小型改锥,按照箭头所示的方向小心地抬起连接器的推杆。(CN301,CN302,CN400)+ Terminal (Red)+极端子(红色)– Terminal (Black)-极端子(黑色)Tweezers镊子Flat cable扁平电缆Lever推杆Regular screwdriver常用的改锥ADJUSTMENT / 调整