TK-3200L16Adjustment FrequencyTEST CH RX Frequency TX FrequencyLow 450.050MHz 450.100MHzLow’ 455.050MHz 455.100MHzCenter 460.050MHz 460.100MHzHigh’ 465.050MHz 465.100MHzHigh 469.950MHz 469.900MHzSignalingSignaling No. RX TX1 None None2 None 100Hz Square Wave3 QT 67.0Hz QT 67.0Hz4 QT 151.4Hz QT 151.4Hz5 QT 250.3Hz QT 250.3Hz6 DQT D023N DQT D023N7 DQT D754I DQT D754I8 DTMF 159D DTMF 159D9 None DTMF tone 9• Preparations for tuning the transceiverBefore attempting to tune the transceiver, connect the unitto a suitable power supply.Whenever the transmitter is tuned, the unit must beconnected to a suitable dummy load (i.e. power meter).The speaker output connector must be terminated with a8Ω dummy load and connected to an AC voltmeter and anaudio distortion meter or a SINAD measurement meter at alltimes during tuning.ADJUSTMENTAdjustment pointsVR1 : Frequency adjustmentBPF : Band-pass wave form test pointCV : VCO lock voltage adjustment terminalTC1 : Transmit VCO lock voltage adjustmentTC2 : Receive VCO lock voltage adjustmentCV : VCO lock voltage adjustment terminal■ Frequency and signalingThe transceiver has been adjusted for the frequenciesshown in the following table. When required, readjust themfollowing the adjustment procedure to obtain the frequenciesyou want in actual operation.VR1BATT+ 5M5CPCTV BPFCVBSBCN13ANTTX-RX unitComponent side viewSP+ SP–TC1 TC2CVTX-RX unitFoil side viewS401PTTS403SW1S402SW2J301EXT. SP/EXT. MICFrequency (MHz)Channel No. RX Frequency TX Frequency1 460.050 460.1002 450.050 450.1003 469.950 469.9004 460.000 460.0005 460.200 460.2006 460.400 460.4007 455.050 455.1008 465.050 465.100AntennaLED indicatorPTT (Push toTalk) switchSide 1 keySide 2 keySpeaker/microphonejacksChannel selectorPower switch/Volume control