27■ Identification CodesAn ID code is a combination of a 3-digit Fleet number anda 4-digit ID number. Each transceiver must have its ownFleet and ID number.• Enter a Fleet number (100 ~ 349) to make a group call.• Enter an ID number (1000 ~ 4999) to make an individual callin your fleet.• Enter a Fleet number to make a call to all units in the selectedfleet (Fleet call).• Enter an ID number to make a call to the selected ID in allfleets (Supervisor call).• Select “ALL” Fleet and “ALL” ID to make a call to all units(Broadcast call).Note: The ID range may be limited by programming.STATUS M ESSAGE (K2 AND K3 MODELS ONLY )You can send and receive 2-digit Status messages which maybe decided in your talk group. Messages can contain up to 16alphanumeric characters. Status messages range from 10 to99 (80 ~ 99 are reserved for special messages).A maximum of 15 received messages can be stored in thestack memory of your transceiver. These saved messagescan be reviewed after reception. Depending on your dealersettings, when the stack memory is full, either the oldestmessage will be erased when a new message is received orthe new message will not be stored in the stack memory. Theicon lights when a message is stored in the stack memory.