53compAnderThe compander can be programmed only for specificConventional FM channels. If it has been programmed by yourdealer, transmitted signals are compressed before being sentand received signals are expanded when they arrive.• Your dealer must set the compander for both the transmit side andthe receive side in order for the compander to operate.• On K2/K3/K5/K6/K7 model transceivers, the icon appears onthe display for when the compader activates.This background feature allows higher clarity of signals,avoiding excessive noise and interference. This feature is notused on digital channels, as they are not susceptible to noiseand interference.BuSy chAnnel lockout (Bcl)On Conventional channels, if BCL is set up by your dealer, youwill be unable to transmit on the channel if it is already in use.Under these circumstances, use a different channel or waituntil the channel becomes free.However, if BCL Override has also been programmed, you cantransmit over the current signal:1 Press and hold the PTT switch.• If the channel is already in use, a warning tone will sound.2 Release the PTT switch, then press and hold the PTTswitch again within half a second.3 Speak into the transceiver as you would during a normalcall.out oF rAngeOn Trunking channels, if set up by your dealer, the transceiverwill indicate when it is out of range. When it can no longercommunicate with any site, an out of range tone sounds andon K2/K3/K5/K6/K7 model transceivers, “OUT OF RANGE”appears on the display.