172-Tone Signalling is enabled or disabled by your dealer. This function turns thetransceiver squelch OFF only when it receives the 2-tone signal that has beenset up in your transceiver. Transceivers that do not transmit the correct tones willnot be heard.Your dealer may also activate Group Call for your transceiver. Ask your dealerfor details.RECEIVINGWhen you receive a signal containing the correct tones, squelch turns OFF andyou will hear the call.• “CALL” appears on the display and the LED indicator flashes orange.• To mute the speaker after squelch turns OFF, press the key programmed as Monitor.• Your dealer can program squelch to automatically turn back ON after a specific time periodelapses.• If Transpond for 2-Tone Signalling is programmed, an acknowledgment signal is returnedto the calling station. Transpond for 2-Tone Signalling can transmit an alert tone only.• If Call Alert for 2-Tone code is programmed, an alert tone will sound when the correct tonesare received.TRANSMITTING1 Press the key programmed as 2-Tone Encode.• A pre-programmed 2-tone code name appears on the display.2 Press the keys programmed as Channel Up and Channel Down to selectyour desired 2-Tone code name. (TK-760G series/ TK-860G series only)3 Press the PTT switch and 2-Tone Encode key to transmit and release themto receive.• When you release the PTT switch and the 2-Tone Encode key, squelch turns OFF andthe LED indicator flashes orange (depending on dealer programming). When youreceive a signal, the LED indicator alternates between green and orange. When thesignal drops out, the LED indicator flashes orange again. If no signal is received for apre-determined time, squelch turns back ON.• Pressing the key programmed as Monitor at any time will turn the squelch back ON.Note: The code for the TK-762G series/ TK-862G series transceiver is not selectable. You cannotchange the tone in step 2 by using the Channel Up and Channel Down keys.2-TONE SIGNALLING