TK-8102 CONTENTS / GENERALGENERALINTRODUCTIONSCOPE␣ OF␣ THIS␣ MANUALThis manual is intended for use by experienced techni-cians familiar with similar types of commercial grade com-munications equipment. It contains all required service in-formation for the equipment and is current as of this publica-tion date. Changes which may occur after publication arecovered by either Service Bulletins or Manual Revisions,which are issued as required.ORDERING␣ REPLACEMENT␣ PARTSWhen ordering replacement parts or equipment informa-tion, the full part identification number should be included.This applies to all parts : components, kits, and chassis. Ifthe part number is not known, include the chassis or kitnumber of which it is a part and a sufficient description ofthe required component for proper identification.PERSONNEL␣ SAFETYThe following precautions are recommended for person-nel safety :• DO␣ NOT␣ transmit if someone is within two feet (0.6meter) of the antenna.• DO␣ NOT␣ transmit until all RF␣ connectors are secure andany open connectors are properly terminated.• SHUT this equipment when near electrical blasting capsor while in an explosive atmosphere.• All equipment should be properly grounded beforepower-up for safe operation.• This equipment should be serviced by only qualified tech-nicians.PRE-INSTALLATION␣ CONSIDERNATIONS1. UNPACKINGUnpack the radio from its shipping container and checkfor accessory items. If any item is missing, please contactKENWOOD␣ immediately.2. LICENSING␣ REQUIREMENTSFederal regulations require a station license for each ra-dio installation (mobile or base) be obtained by the equip-ment owner. The licensee is responsible for ensuring trans-mitter power, frequency, and deviation are within the limitspermitted by the station license.Transmitter adjustments may be performed only by a li-censed technician holding an FCC␣ first, second or generalCONTENTSGENERAL ................................................................. 2OPERATING FEATURES ......................................... 4REALIGNMENT ........................................................ 7DISASSEMBLY FOR REPAIR .................................. 9CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION ......................................... 10SEMICONDUCTOR DATA ..................................... 15DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENTS ....................... 16PARTS LIST ............................................................ 18EXPLODED VIEW ................................................... 26PACKING ................................................................. 27ADJUSTMENT ........................................................ 28PC BOARD VIEWSDISPLAY UNIT (X54-3340-20) ........................... 33TX-RX UNIT (X57-6300-XX) .............................. 35SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ......................................... 41BLOCK DIAGRAM................................................... 45LEVEL DIAGRAM.................................................... 47TERMINAL FUNCTION .......................................... 49SPECIFICATIONS................................. BACK COVER