9TK-860G/(N)/862G/(N) Scan channel types1) Priority channel is the most important channel for thescan, and always detects a signal during scan and whenthe scan stops temporarily.2) Non-priority channels detects a signal during scan. Forthe channels that can be selected with the group or chan-nel up/down key when the scan does not occur, adds anindicator “A” lights. Priority channel settingA priority channel can be set as follows with the program-ming software (KPG-67D).1) Specify a priority channel as a fixed priority channel.2) Make a selected channel, a priority channel. Scan type according to the priority channel1) When no priority channel is set : Only the non-prioritychannels are scanned.If a non-priority channel stops temporarily, it stops untilthere is no signal on the channel.2) When priority channel is set : Either priority channel isscanned.If a non-priority channel stops temporarily, a priority chan-nel signal is detected at certain intervals.If a priority channel stops temporarily, it stops until thereis no signal on the priority channel. Revert channelThe revert channel is used to transmit during scanningand set by the programming software (KPG-67D).1) PriorityThe transceiver reverts to the priority channel.2) Priority with talkbackThe transceiver reverts to the priority channel.If you press PTT during a resume timer (dropout delaytime, TX dwell time) or calling, you can transmit on cur-rent channel to answer to the call however revert channelis set to priority channel.After resume time, scan re-starts and transmission chan-nel is return to priority channel.3) Selected channelThe transceiver reverts to the channel before scanning orthe channel that you changed during scan.4) Last called channelThe transceiver reverts to the last called channel duringthe scan.5) Last used channelThe transceiver reverts to the last used (transmitted)channel during scan. “Last used” revert channel in-cludes talkback function.6) Selected with talkbackThe transceiver reverts to the channel before scanning orthe channel that you changed during scan. Scan endWhen you reactivate the key programmed to the scanfunction during scan mode, the scan ends.The scan icon “SCN” and “SCAN” display goes off.OPERATING FEATURES Temporarily delete/addIt is possible to delete or add channel temporarily duringscan. When scan stops on unnecessary channel for ex-ample by interference of the other party, activate the delete/add function (for example press the key), then that channelis deleted temporarily and scan re-start immediately.When you would like to add the deleted channel tempo-rarily to scan sequence, select the desired (deleted) channelduring scan, activate the delete/add function (for examplepress the key) before scan re-start.That channel is added temporarily to scan sequence. Thetemporary deleted or added channels are returns to pre-setdelete/add, when the transceiver exits from scan mode.5. Details of Features Time-out timerThe time-out timer can be programmed in 15 secondsincrements from 15 seconds to ten minutes. If the transmit-ter is keyed continuously for longer than the programmedtime, the transmitter is disabled and a warning tone soundswhile the PTT button is held down. The alert tone stopswhen the PTT button is released. PTT IDPTT ID provides a DTMF ANI to be sent with every timePTT (beginning of transmission, end of transmission, orboth).You can program PTT ID “on” or “off” for each group.The contents of ID are programmed for each channel.The timing that the transceiver sends ID is program-mable.BOT : DTMF ID (BOT) is sent on beginning of transmis-sion.EOT : DTMF ID (EOT) is sent on end of transmission.Both : DTMF ID (BOT) is sent on beginning of transmis-sion and DTMF ID (EOT) is sent on end of transmission. Radio password (TK-860G only)When the password is set in the transceiver, user can notuse the transceiver unless enter the correct password.This code can be up to 6 digits from 0 to 9 and input withthe key, and “SCN” key. Off hook decodeIf the Off hook decode function has been enabled, re-moving and replacing the microphone on the hook has noeffect for decoding QT/DQT and option signalling. “TOT” pre-alertThe transceiver has “TOT” pre-alert timer. This param-eter selects the time at which the transceiver generates“TOT” pre-alert tone before “TOT” is expired.“TOT” will be expired when the selected time passesfrom a “TOT” pre-alert tone.