19DMRDMR is a generic name for a digital communication system protocol utilizing4-level FSK.In a DMR Conventional system, communications are realized by sending andreceiving digital signals on a DMR digital channel. Using a DMR ID (Unit ID orGroup ID) allows the various communicationsINDIVIDUAL/ GROUP CALLSEach channel is set up with an individual or group ID list number. To make a call,select the channel with the ID list number you wish to call, then press the PTTswitch to start the call.• Your dealer may also have set Selcall on PTT for Individual or Group calls,allowing you to make an Individual or Group call when pressing the PTTswitch.• To page the target transceiver instead of initiating a voice call, press the keyprogrammed as [Paging Call].• If PTT Proceed tone is enabled, the Proceed tone will sound. After the toneends, you can being the call.ReceivingWhen you receive an individual call, a ringing tone will sound. Respond to the callby pressing the PTT switch.• If the auto reset timer expires before you respond to the call, the call willend. Your dealer can set the duration for the auto reset timer (default is 10seconds).When you receive a group call and the received group ID matches the ID set upon your transceiver, a ringing tone will sound and you can hear the caller’s voice.