Kenwood TK3000 - Quick Reference Guide of thecall to anotherr DQTmal operation.QT signaling..r channels.d noise. Pressoise. Releasewise to switchor Squelchotate theolume.sired channel.will hear audioh, then speaking voice.m (1.5 inches)Note: If a headset is connected to the transceiver while the VOXfunction is switched ON and the VOX Gain level is configured to ahigher, more sensitive level, louder received signals may cause thetransceiver to start transmission.BACKGROUND OPERATIONSTIME-OUT TIMER (TOT)The Time-out Timer prevents callers from using a channelfor an extended duration. If you continuously transmit for theduration programmed by your dealer (default is 1 minute),transmission will stop and an alert tone will sound. To stop thetone, release the PTT switch.BATTERY SAVERWhen activated by your dealer, the Battery Saver functiondecreases the amount of power used after no signal is presentand no operations are being performed for 5 seconds. When asignal is received or an operation is performed, Battery Saverturns off.Note: While the Battery Saver is operating, the LED may flashgreen when receiving a QT/DQT signal which does not match theQT/DQT tone/code set up in your transceiver.LOW BATTERY WARNINGWhile operating the transceiver, the Low Battery Warningsounds an alert tone every 30 seconds and the LED indicatorblinks red when the battery needs recharged or replaced.BUSY CHANNEL LOCKOUT (BCL)When activated, BCL prevents you from interfering on achannel that is already in use. Pressing the PTT switch willcause an alert tone to sound and the transceiver will nottransmit. Release the PTT switch to stop the tone.Note: Ask your dealer for an explanation on how BCL functionswhen using QT or DQT signaling.QT/ DQT SIGNALINGQT/ DQT is used to segregate talk groups, so users only hearcalls from their own group.