4-3. TRANSMITTER OPERATIONCaution: $$ ———————_—_—______—__—_——_1. Ensure that an antenna with a low standing wave ratio(SWR) is attached to the antenna connector before at-tempting to transmit. Failure to provide proper termina-tion may result in damage to the final amplifier section.2. Always check to ensure the frequency is clear beforetransmitting.Note::<—$—_<—___—__—_—_|.TheuseofLOWpowerisrecommended,wheneverpossi-ble,toavoidinterferingwith otherstations.Transmit1. Select the desired operating frequency in the MAINband using any of the methods previously discussed.2. Check the frequency to see if it is occupied before youtransmit.3. Press the PTT switch. The ON AIR indicator will light,and the RF meter will deflect to the right.Note: ——— $$$ $$If you have selected the LOW power position, the lowindicator will appear in the display and the RF meter willonly deflect slightly. When HI power has been selectedthe RF meter will swing full scale.Sah" IR Ah.o. DOF Ro4. Speak into the microphone. The recommended distanceto the microphone is 5 cm (2 inches).Note: ———————_—_—_$_Talking closer may result in overdeviation of yourtransmit signal,- which might be reported as a loss ofclarity or of an excessively wide transmit signal. Talkingtoo far away may result in reports of weak audio.5. Release the PTT switch to return to the receive mode.The ON AIR indicator should go out, and the RF meterwill return to zero.Duplex OperationPushing the PTT switch on the microphone allows thesimultaneous reception in the SUB band frequency andsending in a MAIN band frequency.Note: ——@__________With certain relationship between the sending and receiv-ing frequencies, the receiver sensitivity may be suppress-ed.4-4. REPEATER OPERATION4-4-1. TRANSMITTER OFFSETSAll amateur radio repeaters utilize a separate receiver andtransmitter section. The receiver frequency may be eitherabove or below the transmitter frequency.19