7-3-2. Reception1. Set the switches and controls as follows:POWER (VOL) control : OFF (Fully counterclockwise)POWER switch of the DC power supply (Fixed Station): OFFMAIN SQL control : Fully counterclockwiseLOCK switch : OFF2. Set the RC-10 switches as the follows:VOL MAIN/RMT switch : MAINVolume selection switch : minimum3. Turn on the DC power supply and then turn thetransceiver ON. The display panels will indicate asshown below.eoog “ues noneeed Nee = = rhphereae | Yoo oreTransceiver RC-104. Noise or a signal will be heard from the RC-10 speaker.Select the desired volume level with the volume selec-tion switch, on the side of the RC-10 handset.Note:RC-10 receives only from the MAIN band.5. Place the VOL MAIN/RMT switch to RMT. Noise or a sig-nal can be heard from the transceiver’s speaker. Adjustthe volume with the VOLUME 4/¥ keys on the RC-10handset.Note: ——__—__—$$The VOL control of the transceiver is not effective dur-ing RMT operation.6. Rotate the MAIN Tuning control and select an openchannel. The RC-10 numeric keys may also be used toselect a frequency.7. Turn the MAIN SQL control clockwise until the noise dis-appears and the BUSY indicator goes OFF (Thresholdpoint) on the transceiver.8. Select the desired frequency, VOL, and MAIN/RMTposition.Note: —@@AAMBATurn off the transceiver’s POWER switch before you turnoff the power supply.7-3-3. Duplex operations with a single transceiver.Note: $$$$AIt is impossible to operate duplex operations if thetransceiver is operating as follows.1 Single Bander2 A.B.C.Example:1. To select a receive frequency in the MAIN Band, and atransmitter frequency in the SUB Band.- Transceiver RC-102. Press the F key and then 1 key of the RC-10.Press the PTT switch to transmit. The LCD display ofthe RC-10 displays the transmitter frequency that is theSUB band frequency.