43TROUBLESHOOTINGThe problems described in this table are commonly encountered operationalmalfunctions and are usually not caused by circuit failure.Problem Probable Cause Corrective ActionThe transceiver willnot power up afterconnecting a 13.8 VDC power supply andpressing [ ]. Nothingappears on the display.1 The power cablewas connectedbackwards.2 One or more of thepower cable fusesare open.1 Connect the supplied DCpower cable correctly (redto + terminal and black to– terminal).2 Look for the cause ofthe blown fuse(s). Afterinspecting and correctingany problems, install anew fuse(s) with the sameratings.The frequency cannotbe selected by turningthe Tuning control orby pressing microphone[UP]/[DWN].Memory Recall wasselected.Press [VFO].Most keys and theTuning control do notfunction.1 One of the Lockfunctions is ON.2 The transceiver isin Channel Displaymode.1 Unlock all of the Lockfunctions.2 With the transceiver powerOFF, press [LOW] +Power ON to exit ChannelDisplay mode.Memory channelscannot be selectedby turning the Tuningcontrol or by pressingmicrophone [UP]/[DWN].No data has been storedin any Memory channel.Store data in some Memorychannels.You cannot transmiteven though you arepressing [PTT].1 The microphone plugwas not insertedcompletely into thetransceiver.2 You selected atransmit offset thatplaces the transmitfrequency outside theallowable range.3 The external TNC istransmitting.1 Switch the power OFF,then insert the microphoneplug until the locking tabclicks in place.2 Turn the offset shiftfunction OFF.3 Press [PTT] after the TNChas finished transmitting.