SECTION 5. ALIGNMENTCAUTION:Some circuits in the TS-511S carry high voltageand extreme care must be exercised to avoidelectrical shock.5.1. REMOVING THE CASETOP COVERRemove the single phillips screw between the two blackplungers. Next, pull the black plungers upward. The covercan be removed by raising it slightly and pulling forward.BOTTOM PLATERemove the nine phillips screws in the bottom plate. Thefour hyzex legs need not be removed.5.2 ALIGNMENT POSITIONDuring alignment the transceiver should rest on its side (SeeFig. 12). This position provides adequate ventilation andconvenient access to most parts of the transceiver.5.3 RECEIVER SECTION13 Fig. 12 Transceiver Position During AdjustmentRF COIL ALIGNMENTSettheAGC/CALswitchto25kHzandusethecalibratormarkerasthetestsignal.Set theDRIVEknobtothe12o’clockposition.Settheotherknobstotheirnormalreceive positions.AdjusttheMIXandDRIVEcoils(SeeFig.13)withtheaccessorytoolformaximumS-meterreadingatthereceivefrequenciesgivenbelow.AdjustmentOrderBandFrequency13.53.75MHZ228.528.8MHz32121.225MHz41414.175MHz577.15MHzHETERODYNE CRYSTAL OSCILLATORAdjusttheOSCcoil(SeeFig.13)inaclockwisedirectionuntiltheinternalbackgroundnoisedisappears.Nowtumthe coreoneturninthereverse direction.Oscillationwillbeunstableifthecoreissettooclosetothecriticalpointof oscillation.Adjustailbandsinthefollowingorder.Adjustment Order Band Frequency1 3.5 12.395 MHz2 7 15.895 MHz3 14 22.895 MHz4 21 29.895 MHz5 28 36.895 MHz6 28.5° 37.395 MHz7 29.1 37.995 MHzIF SECTION (See Fig. 14)ThelargeIFtransformers(T1andT2),theSSBcrystalfilter,andthesmallIFtransformersrequirenoadjustment.Turn the AGC/CAL switch to 25 kHz on any desired band.Settheotherknobstotheirnormalreceive positions.Tunethe calibratormarkersignalformaximumS-meterreading.Slowlyturn thecoresofT3andT4withtheaccessorytoolandadjustformaximumS-meterreading.T4isadual-tunedIFtransformer andisadjustedatthetop andbottomofthechassis.CARRIER OSCILLATOR (See Fig. 15)Disconnect the antenna and set the other knobs to theirnormal receive positions. Set the MODE switch to USB andset the AGC/CAL switch to 25 kHz. Tune in the crystalcalibrator marker signal. Adjust the DRIVE knob for anS-meter reading of 9. Next, turn the main tuning knobclockwise for the S-meter reading of 2. At that point,adjust trimmer TC2 to obtain a zero beat.Set the MODE switch to LSB and adjust TC3 as above.Set the MODE switch to CW. Then set the SG SW switchon the rear panel to OFF. Set the stand-by switch toSEND. Set the METER switch to ALC and adjust the