14DRIVE knob for maximum meter reading. Next, adjustTC1 for maximum meter reading.TransmitMODE ReceiveUSB 3.3965 MHz 3.3965 MHzLSB 3.3935 MHz 3.3935 MHzCW (without CW filter) 3.3935 MHz 3.3943 MHzCW (with CW filter) 3.3943 MHz 3.3950 MHzAUTOMATIC VOLTAGE REGULATOR (See Fig. 16)Set all knobs to their normal receive positions. An accurateDC voltmeter with a full scale of at least 10 volts isrequired. Connect the + lead of the voltmeter to theterminal located directly below VR2 at the top of theautomatic voltage regulator board. Connect the — lead tothe chassis and adjust VR1 for a voltmetér reading of 9volts.5.4 TRANSMITTER SECTIONCARRIER LEVEL AND CARRIER BALANCE(See Fig. 17)Set the rear panel SG SW switch to OFF. Turn the MODEswitch to CW. Turn the BAND switch to 14 and then setthe main tuning dial at 14.175 MHz. Set the METER.switch at ALC and set the stand-by switch to SEND.OSC COILUNITLs°28)La'21)MIX COILUNITFig. 13Figures in‘Adjustthecarrierfevelcontroluntilthevoltagereads460iia.usingtheIPscaleforTeference.NowconnectadummyloadtotheANTterminal.SettheSGSWswitchtoONand quicklyadjustthePLATEandLOADcontrolsformaximumoutput.SettheMODEswitchtoLSBandadjust theRFVOLTcontrolontherearpanelforfullsensitivity.SettheMICGAINto zero.Ifthereisanymeterreading, thecircuitisnotproperlybalanced.Tobalancethecarrier,alternately adjustCT1andVR2on theSSBgeneratorboard(SeeFig.17)forminimummeterreading.ThenturntheMODEswitchtoUSBandrepeatthisadjustmentsothatthesameamount:ofcarriersuppressionisobtainedonbothLSBandUSB.NEUTRALIZATION OF THE FINAL POWERAMPLIFIERConnect a dummy load to the ANT terminal. Set theBAND switch to 28.5 and set the main tuning dial to28.8 MHz. Next tune the transceiver for maximum out-put. Now set the SG SW switch to OFF and measure theoutput at the antenna terminals with a sensitive highfrequency voltmeter. Adjust the neutralizing capacitor TC1(mounted on the side panel of the final amplifier shieldingbox) for minimum output. Normally the shielding boxdoes not have to be removed for neutralization.L3(14)DRIVE COILUNITshow the band.Coil Location Diagram