TRANSMISSION 02192.4 DRV TerminalThe TS-590SG is equipped with a DRV terminal formerly available only on high-end transceivers. It is capable of signaloutput prior to amplification to 100 W at the final unit.The output level of the signal from this terminal is too low to be transmitted as is, but by connecting a high-gain linearamplifier, the signal can be used for operation in the 135 kHz or 475 kHz band, or for operation with a transverter.The output level of the DRV terminal is about 0 dBm (1 mW), and can be decreased to around 1/20 depending on thesetting of the transmit power. To reduce the output level further, you can adjust the transmit power also by the carrier levelin CW, FSK and AM modes or by the microphone gain or processor output level in SSB mode.Figure 2-8 to Figure 2-10 show the spurious characteristics when using the signal from the DRV terminal in the 14 MHz bandand Figure 2-11 to Figure 2-13 show the spurious characteristics in the 135 kHz band. As the DRV terminal outputs signalthat does not pass through the low-pass filter, it contains a large amount of harmonic components. Before sending, passthe signal through the low-pass filter as needed after amplification to remove the harmonic components. Also, loweringthe setting of the transmit output level or limiting the output level at the DRV terminal through ALC signal input from theREMOTE connector will also help to reduce distortion.TS-590SG 14.175 MHz TX Spurious EmissionFigure 2-8 Output Characteristics of DRVTerminal at 14.175 MHz and 0 dBmTS-590SG 14.175 MHz TX Spurious EmissionFigure 2-9 Output Characteristics of DRVTerminal at 14.175 MHz and -10 dBm