23~120 W on 160 m, and closer to 100 W on the other bands, trickling down to about 90 W on10 m. (Steve WB2WIK/6)7.18 Crystals for FIX band selectionQuestion: I have a Kenwood 830S with a "fix" selection on the banc switch. This I am told is afixed freq determined by a crystal that I can add to the unit. I think it is a 25/U type but no sure.My question is...where can I find a distributor of these types of crystals. (Glen KD5NVC)Answer: You only need to provide them with the frequency you'd like to operate on (not thecrystal frequency), and the make and model of the equipment, e.g., Kenwood TS-830S, and theydo the rest. They know how to cut the crystal based only on that information. Such crystals arenot "stocked," they are made to order, but only take about one week. (Steve WB2WIK/6)7.19 Changed DRIVE setting after final tubes replacement is normalQuestion: I have a Kenwood 830S that had "soft" tubes, their output was down to nearly 40watts at best on all bands. I replaced the driver and both final tubes then as per instructionsneutralized the 6146B's. I now have full power output on all bands but one interesting thing wasnoted. Before the replacement, the "drive" control was normally set from 10 o'clock to 2 o'clockfor max. output. Now the range of max output has shifted to 12 o'clock to full clockwiserotation. My question: Is this normal? I left the unit on for 12 hours, tuned up again and thedriver control is still at the 12 o'clock to full clockwise rotation for max. output during tuning.(Glen KD5NVC)Answer 1: I think you are referring to the amount of drive you are applying (the actual drivecontrol as opposed to the tuned circuit of the driver), and if so it is perfectly normal. The oldtubes would not respond as well and the tendency is to keep pushing the RF into the tubes to getas much as possible out. Had you have looked closely at the RF envelope, you probably wouldhave seen some major flattening of the envelope at the 2 pm drive level. By the way,congratulations on neutralizing the new tubes, a very important step. Many of the 6146 usersnever do that - a BIG MISTAKE! (KL7HF)Answer 2: I don't have a TS830S to look at, although I owned one nearly 20 years ago. I seemto recall that "DRIVE" control (upper right corner of front panel) doesn't actually increase ordecrease drive per se, but tunes the driver stage to the PA tube grids, and is, in effect, a drivertuning control. Thus, its position (2 o'clock, or 12 o'clock, or whatever) is based on tuning thedriver to resonance, and has nothing whatever to do with increasing or decreasing any bias level.Its position would naturally change every time the tubes are changed, and neutralization isreadjusted. (Steve WB2WIK/6)7.20 Difference between TS-830 and TS-830 "gold label"Question: What is the difference between them and the plain ol' 830s? (WK0F)Answer: I have had an 830 since 1981 and in all those years I have never seen any thing (ads,reviews, etc.) that indicates any difference between them. An 830 is an 830 as far as I know! It'sa great radio and mine still has the original finals and it's been used a lot. good luck on yourpurchase. (W8CAR)7.21 Microphone impedance matchingQuestion: How can I match a microphone that measures 200 Ohms to my TS-830S that wants50 K input? (K2EL)