35the metal can and the chassis, shorting the grid bias to ground. When I fired the rig up, the tubes"ran away" and started to melt down, then the fuses blew. Fortunately the person that designedthe grid bias supply had a 10 KOhm resistor in series with the output, so I didn't smoke thepower supply as well. Two new tubes, and I was back in business. That was 6 or 8 years ago,and the "new" finals are still putting out in excess of 100 watts on all bands, including 10meters. I bought replacement tubes from AES. They say "Made in China" on them, and when Ifirst put them to work I was getting over 120 Watts out. Over the course of a month or so, theoutput fell off to a more normal level, and I had to re-neutralize the finals. After this one monthburn in, they have been stable and reliable. Now if I could get the shaft coupling inside the finalcage to stay tightened up ! My band switch gets pretty sloppy with use. I'd be happy to hearfrom anybody who has found a solution to that problem.10.1.18 Good radio...with a question to other TS-830S owners, Rating:4 of 5(KA4AQM, 2000)I have enjoyed using the radio off and on since 1985. But I have never changed the 6146Bfinals. As far as I know, they are still fine but I would never know it! This appeal goes to allother TS-830S owners...when is a good time to change out the finals? Having asked thatquestion, a follow-up would be, where do you get replacements at a reasonable price? I willhang on to this radio b/c the finals can probably take more use/abuse than solid state. Mine is inMINT condition and I wouldn't sell or trade it for anything!