KeyDemon USBLegal disclaimerKeyDemon does not take responsibility for any damage, harm or legal actions caused bymisuse of its products. The user should follow the guidelines contained in this document,otherwise no liability will be assumed. It is the user's responsibility to obey all effective laws inhis/her country, which may prohibit usage of KeyDemon products. Please also consider, thatnot knowing the law does not allow to not obeying it. A good example is the U.S. Departmentof Justice Letter on Keystroke Monitoring and Login Banners, according to which a clearnotice should be displayed, warning that user keystrokes may be logged. Please check withyour legal representative for logging requirements in your country.For more information on KeyDemon products,visit our website: should not use this device to interceptdata you are not authorized to possess,especially passwords, banking data,confidential correspondence etc. Mostcountries recognize this as a crime. Pleaseconsult a legal representative for loggingrequirements in your country.Copyright © 2010 KeyDemon19