3- 18 85052BUse, Maintenance, and Care of the DevicesUsing the Sliding LoadUsing the Sliding LoadWhen performing a sliding load calibration, it is recommended that the sliding ring be set at the markedpositions (rings) along the sliding load body. Using the set marks ensures that a broad distribution of phaseangles is selected, thereby optimizing the calibration.The set marks function as detents so that the internal center of the sliding ring can mate with them.Because of this, the set mark being used cannot be seen but is felt as the sliding ring is moved from mark tomark during a calibration. Moving the sliding ring with only the index fingers of both hands will increase yourability to detect the sliding ring detent at each position.NOTE The sliding load uses a plastic bead to support its center conductor when it is stored.Remove this support bead from the sliding load before you connect the load for use. Reinsertthis support bead when you are finished using the sliding load.Preferred Method:1. Move the sliding ring forward as far as possible toward the connector end of the load.2. Move the sliding ring back until you feel it detent at the first set mark.3. Follow the network analyzer instructions to measure the sliding load at each detent position.NOTE After a calibration has begun, always move the sliding ring toward the center conductorpullback end of the sliding load. If you slightly overshoot the desired mark by less than 0.5mm (0.02 inch), do not move the sliding ring, but continue with the calibration as if thesliding ring is set to the proper position. If the sliding ring is moved toward the connector endof the load during the calibration sequence, the calibration may be unstable and poormeasurements may result. If the desired position is overshot by more than 0.5 mm (0.02inch), restart the calibration sequence from step 1.It does not matter if you start with the slide at the front and move it backwards, or start at theback and move it forward. To minimize stability errors, it is important to start at one end andmove it in the same direction for each of the measurement steps.This manual contains limited information about a sliding load calibration. For detailed information on thiscalibration using a VNA, ENA or PNA series network analyzer, refer to the appropriate user guide or onlineHelp.• To view the ENA or PNA online Help, press the Help key on the front panel of the network analyzer.• To view an online VNA user guide, use the following steps:1. Go to www.keysight.com.2. Enter your VNA model number (Ex: N5242A) in the Search box and click Search.3. Under the heading Manuals & Guides, click on the title/hyperlink for the document PDF you want toview.If you need additional information, see “Where to Look for More Information” on page 5-3.