Keysight 85056D and 85563A/85564A User’s and Service Guide 2-3SpecificationsMechanical CharacteristicsThe pin depth value of each calibration device in the kit is not specified, but isan important mechanical parameter. The electrical performance of the devicedepends, to some extent, on its pin depth. The electrical specifications for eachdevice in the kit take into account the effect of pin depth on the device’sperformance. Table 2-2 lists the typical pin depths and measurementuncertainties, and provides observed pin depth limits for the devices in the kit.If the pin depth of a device does not measure within the observed pin depthlimits, it may be an indication that the device fails to meet electricalspecifications. Refer to Figure 2-1 for a visual representation of proper pindepth (slightly recessed).Table 2-2 Pin Depth LimitsDevice Typical Pin Depth Measurement Uncertaintya Observed Pin Depth Limits bOpens 0 to -0.0127 mm0 to -0.00050 in+0.0030 to -0.0030 mm+0.00012 to -0.00012 in.+0.0030 to -0.0157 mm+0.00012 to -0.00062 inShorts 0 to -0.0127 mm0 to -0.00050 in+0.0015 to -0.0015 mm+0.00006 to -0.00006 in+0.0015 to -0.0142 mm+0.00006 to -0.00056 inFixed loads -0.0025 to -0.0203 mm-0.00010 to -0.00080 in+0.0030 to -0.0030 mm+0.00012 to -0.00012 in+0.0005 to -0.0234 mm+0.00002 to -0.00092 inAdapters 0 to -0.0381 mm0 to -0.00150 in+0.0030 to -0.0030 mm+0.00012 to -0.00012 in+0.0030 to -0.0411 mm+0.00012 to -0.00162 ina. Approximately +2 sigma to -2 sigma of gage uncertainty based on studies done at the factory according torecommended procedures.b. Observed pin depth limits are the range of observation limits seen on the gage reading due to measurementuncertainty. The depth could still be within specifications.