03 | Keysight | FieldFox Handheld Analyzers - Configuration GuideRF and microwave(combination) analyzerMicrowave vectornetwork analyzer (VNA)Microwave spectrumanalyzer (SA)Option Description N991xAN995xAN992xA N993xAN996xACAT/vector network analysis010 VNA time domain √ √ —112 QuickCal √ on N991xA- on N995xA √ —210 VNA transmission/reflection √ Base model —211 VNA full 2-port S-parameters √ √ —212 1-port mixed-mode S-parameters √ √ —215 TDR cable measurements √ √ —305 Cable and antenna analyzer Base model √ Note 1308 Vector voltmeter √ √ —320 Reflection meas. (RL, VSWR and scalar meas.) Note 2 Note 2 √Spectrum analysis209 Extended range transmission analysis (ERTA) √ — √220 Tracking generator Note 3 — √233 Spectrum analyzer √ — Base model235 Pre-amplifier √ — √236 Interference analyzer and spectrogram √ — √238 Spectrum analyzer time gating √ — √312 Channel scanner √ — √350 Real-time spectrum analyzer (RTSA) √ - on N9912A — √351 I/Q Analyzer (IQA) √ - on N9912A — √355 Analog demodulation √ — √Power measurements208 USB power sensor meas. versus frequency √ √ √302 USB power sensor support √ √ √310 Built-in power meter √ √ √330 Pulse meas. with USB peak power sensor √ √ √System features030 Remote control capability √ √ √307 GPS receiver √ √ √309 DC bias variable-voltage source √ √ √Windows based software89601B 89600 VSA Software √ - on N9912A — √Notes:Base model means that the functionality listed is the primary function of that instrument. For example, on the N991xA or N995xA combo analyzers,cable and antenna analysis is the standard function included with every N991xA or N995xA.1. Option 305 is not available on the N993xA or N996xA. However, a subset of cable and antenna analyzer measurements, return loss and VSWR, is availableas Option 320.2. Option 320 is not applicable to N991xA, N995xA, or N992xA. The reflection measurements of return loss and VSWR are included with every N991xA,N995xA, and N992xA. So there is no need for an Option 320 on these analyzers.3. On the N991xA or N995xA analyzers, order Options 233 and 210 to obtain a tracking generator with the spectrum analyzer. There is no Option 220 on theN991xA or N995xA analyzers. To obtain tracking generator capability, you need Options 233 and 210. Option 233 provides the spectrum analyzer capabilityand Option 210 the “tracking” capability.The FieldFox Handheld Analyzer FamilyThis configuration guide describes configurations, options and accessories for the FieldFox family of portable analyzers. This guideshould be used in conjunction with the technical overview and data sheet for a complete description of the analyzers. The table belowshows a comparison of the functions available in the FieldFox family of analyzers.The following accessories are included with every FieldFox: AC/DC adapter, battery, soft carrying case, LAN cable and Quick ReferenceGuide.Note: Combination analyzer (combo) = Cable and antenna tester (CAT) + Vector network analyzer (VNA) + Spectrum analyzer (SA)FieldFox family and options