:SEARch Commands 30Keysight InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide 1053:SEARch:SERial:IIC:MODE(see page 1428)Command Syntax :SEARch:SERial:IIC:MODE ::= {READ7 | WRITE7 | NACKnowledge | ANACk | R7Data2| W7Data2 | RESTart | READEprom}The :SEARch:SERial:IIC:MODE command selects the type of IIC information to findin the Lister display:• READ7 — searches for 7-bit address frames containingStart:Address7:Read:Ack:Data. The value READ is also accepted for READ7.• WRITe7 — searches for 7-bit address frames containingStart:Address7:Write:Ack:Data. The value WRITe is also accepted for WRITe7.• NACKnowledge — searches for missing acknowledge events.• ANACk — searches for address with no acknowledge events.• R7Data2 — searches for 7-bit address frames containingStart:Address7:Read:Ack:Data:Ack:Data2.• W7Data2 — searches for 7-bit address frames containingStart:Address7:Write:Ack:Data:Ack:Data2.• RESTart — searches for another start condition occurring before a stopcondition.• READEprom — searches for EEPROM data reads.When searching for events containing addresses, address values are specifiedusing the :SEARch:SERial:IIC:PATTern:ADDRess command.When searching for events containing data, data values are specified using the:SEARch:SERial:IIC:PATTern:DATA and :SEARch:SERial:IIC:PATTern:DATA2commands.Query Syntax :SEARch:SERial:IIC:MODE?The :SEARch:SERial:IIC:MODE? query returns the currently selected mode.Return Format ::= {READ7 | WRITE7 | NACK | ANAC | R7D2 | W7D2 | REST| READE}See Also • Chapter 30, “:SEARch Commands,” starting on page 993• ":SEARch:SERial:IIC:PATTern:ADDRess" on page 1055• ":SEARch:SERial:IIC:PATTern:DATA" on page 1056NOTE The short form of READ7 (READ7), READEprom (READE), and WRITe7 (WRIT7) do not followthe defined Long Form to Short Form Truncation Rules (see page 1430).