What's New 1Keysight InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide 49What's New in Version 3.20New features in version 3.20 of the InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series oscilloscopesoftware are:• Being able to load CAN symbolic data from a *.dbc file into the oscilloscope,display it in the decode, and use it to set up triggers and protocol decodesearches.• LIN triggering and decode updates.More detailed descriptions of the new and changed commands appear below.New CommandsCommand Description:COMPliance:USB:HUBS (seepage 327)Specifies the number of internal hubs between the host and thetest point.:MARKer:DYDX? (seepage 454)Returns the cursor ∆Y/∆X value.:MEASure:NDUTy (seepage 511)Negative duty cycle measurement.:RECall:DBC[:STARt] (seepage 716)Loads a CAN DBC (communication database) symbolic data fileinto the oscilloscope.:SBUS:CAN:DISPlay (seepage 786)Specifies whether symbolic values (from a loaded DBC file) orhexadecimal values are displayed in the decode waveform and theLister window:SBUS:CAN:TRIGger:SYMBolic:MESSage (see page 804)Specifies the message to trigger on when CAN symbolic data hasbeen loaded (recalled) into the oscilloscope and the CAN triggermode is set to MESSage or MSIGnal.:SBUS:CAN:TRIGger:SYMBolic:SIGNal (see page 805)Specifies signal to trigger on when CAN symbolic data has beenloaded (recalled) into the oscilloscope and the CAN trigger modeis set to MSIGnal.:SBUS:CAN:TRIGger:SYMBolic:VALue (see page 806)Specifies signal value to trigger on when CAN symbolic data hasbeen loaded (recalled) into the oscilloscope and the CAN triggermode is set to MSIGnal.:SEARch:EVENt (seepage 996)Lets you navigate to one of the found search events.:SEARch:SERial:CAN:SYMBolic:MESSage (see page 1037)Specifies the message to search for when CAN symbolic data hasbeen loaded (recalled) into the oscilloscope and the CAN serialsearch mode is set to MESSage or MSIGnal.