Keysight N5991 HDMI Frame Generator User Guide 17Using the Software 3CAUTION If no Bias-Tees are used, the M8195 hardware caters for the offsetsrequired by the HDMI Standard. To do so, all channels must always havethe correct terminations applied. Removing its termination or applying awrong termination results in the safety-disablement of the M8195Aoutputs. It is very important that all channels are properly terminated andan over-voltage condition must always be avoided. If not correctlyperformed, this setup could result in damage to the M8195A hardwareand any connected instruments. Modifying connections against therecommended setup shall be done at your own risk, but it may causeover-voltage conditions, wrong terminations and interfere accuratefunctionality of the HDMI Frame Generator software. Keysightrecommends proper adherence to every instruction regardingconnections.