Keysight N5991 HDMI Frame Generator User Guide 39Using the Software 3SCDC ControllerFigure 23 SCDC Controller Software dialogThe SCDC Controller Software allows automatic control of the SCDCregisters. For the SCDC Controller Software to appear (as shown inFigure 23), click ‘Tools > SCDC Controller’.This tool is also available as stand-alone software and requires thefollowing complementary hardware:• Adapter cable to connect the controller to a Keysight HDMI fixture• Adapter cable to connect the controller to a Wilder HDMI fixture• Total Phase™ Aardvark™ I2C/SPI Host Adapter with all includedcomponentsThe SCDC Controller Software makes it possible:• to supply +5 V at the HDMI connector as required according to theHDMI specification• to read the Character Error Detection from the SCDC register• to read the VSDB (Vendor-Specific Data Block) to check the SCDCavailability