68 N7020A and N7024A Power Rail Probes User’s Guide7 Performance PlotsN7024A Performance PlotsN7024A Probe System ResponsesMost high performance active probes for use with Infiniium real-time oscilloscopesutilize DSP correction filters to enhance the measurements accuracy. Probes likethe N7024A store their unique s parameters in on-board memory for the scope toreadout when needed. Probe heads are simple passive devices and, with carefulmanufacture, their s-parameters don't vary significantly so they are stored asnominal s-parameters in the oscilloscope. When a probe is connected to anoscilloscope channel and the proper probe head is selected, the oscilloscopecalculates a DSP correction filter that includes the probe head, probe amplifier,and oscilloscope channel. This provides the maximum measurement accuracy forthe complete probe and scope channel system. Since there are different probeamplifiers and probe head combinations, it is not reasonable to show theresponses of all these combinations and the responses would all be very much thesame because they are all corrected to same target system response. The targetsystem response is a flat magnitude, flat phase response high order low-pass filterthat maximizes measurement accuracy.Figure 20 shows an example of a typical corrected system frequency response ofthe N7024A probe when used with the N7022A main cable. This is the Vout/V inresponse which is indicative of the response seen when probing a very lowimpedance voltage rail.