N9030B PXA Signal Analyzer Service Guide 367Service and Diagnostics MenusService Key DescriptionsCorrectionsThe Corrections menu allows the technician to activate and deactivate specificamplitude correction sets. With this capability, the technician can determine ifan anomaly is a result of raw hardware performance or incorrect correctiondata. It also allows the technician the ability to measure the raw hardwareperformance when all corrections are set to Off.RF FlatnessDisplays a menu which allows the technician to activate and deactivate thecorrections unique to the RF flatness of the analyzer. RF Flatnesscorrections consist of two major parts: raw flatness corrections andtemperature corrections. These corrections are summed together andapplied by using RF gain, IF gain, and/or “video shift” (post-digitizedmathematical offset). The selections in this menu allow the corrections tobe applied or not applied to facilitate troubleshooting the cause offlatness-related problems.Flatness Video Shift On/OffThe Flatness Video Shift turns off the corrections for gain vs.frequency. It does not turn off the corrections for changes in theanalog IF gain that accompany flatness changes. This function turnsboth the gain and video shift on or off, but does not affect thetemperature corrections. When set to off, it is possible to measurethe raw flatness of the spectrum analyzer while maintaining thetemperature corrections.When Flatness Video Shift is Off, the Advisory Event “Flatness VideoShift OFF” will be displayed.When Flatness Video Shift is ON, the Advisory Event “Flatness VideoShift OFF” will be cleared.Temperature Gain & Tilt On/OffThis function controls both temperature adjustment mechanisms:overall gain vs. temperature, and the temperature-proportional tilt ofthe gain vs. frequency.When Temperature Gain & Tilt is OFF, the Advisory Event “FlatnessTemperature Gain & Tilt OFF” will be displayed.When Temperature Gain & Tilt is ON, the Advisory Event “FlatnessTemperature Gain & Tilt OFF” will be cleared.