Keysight NFA X-Series Getting Started and Troubleshooting Guide 49Instrument Operating SystemUser AccountsUser AccountsThe instrument ships with a number of different accounts already set up. Inaddition you can create your own accounts if you desire. The privilegesassociated with each account determine what you can and cannot do from thataccount.Administrator accountUsing the Administrator account you can perform the following operations:— Install software— Configure network and printer access— Access all files on the instrument— Add or change user accounts and passwords— Change Firewall settings— Change Windows settings (e.g., using Device Manager)— Change the time and date— Run any applicationThe default password is "Keysight4u!".Instrument accountsThe default user account that ships from the factory is “Instrument” with thepassword “measure4u”. This user is a member of the standard Users group.Using the Instrument account, you may perform the following operations:— Configure network and printer access (although not local printer access)— Access files on the instrument that are accessible to the Users group— Run applications that are accessible to the Users groupKeysightOnly user accountThe instrument contains a user account called "KeysightOnly" that can be usedby Customer Support in the event that the customer has changed theAdministrator password and has forgotten the password. You must not removeor modify the KeysightOnly account.Service user accountsThere are user accounts defined in the instrument for servicing the instrument.Customer creation of accountsYou can create additional user accounts and decide on the level of securitygranted to any new user accounts created. For example, the level of securitycan be assigned as administrator, power user, standard user, backupoperators. User names are not case sensitive but passwords are case sensitive.