Keysight E8491B IEEE 1394 PC Link to VXI User Guide 63Using this Chapter VXI Programming Using the IEEE 1394 Serial Busiblockmovex(e8491, map, 0, 8, 1, 0, (unsigned long) rdgs, 8, 1,64000, 0);// swap the bytes once they are transferred from shared memoryfor (i=0;i<7999;i++){SWAP_FLOAT64(&rdgs[i]);}// print some readings to verify the transfer was successfulfor (i=0; i<10; i++){printf("%lf\n", rdgs[i]);}// unmap memoryiunmapx(e8491, map, I_MAP_SHARED, 0, 1);// close the device sessionsiclose(e8491);// close SICL interface sessioniclose(e1410);// close SICL device session}Comments1 Because of the E1410 multimeter data storage format (eight bytes / reading),the readings are transferred from shared memory to the PC in bytes.Therefore, it is necessary to swap each byte in order to re-construct thereading. Depending on the storage formats of your particular instruments,swapping may not be necessary.2 This manual is included on the Keysight I/O Libraries CD. By viewing themanual from the CD, you can cut and paste this program into yourdevelopment environment.