Dip01 OFFONOFF - OFFOFF - ONON - OFFON - ONOFFON02 - 0304A variation of the trimmer “FOR” (speed) requires the reset learning procedu-re to be repeated (point 2) since the manoeuvre times vary. Decelerationsare automatically defined in the last 10% of the manoeuvre.Power / Speed (POW):Regulation from 50% to 100% ofthe power.Pause time (PAU):Regulation of the pause time from0 to 60 seconds.Obstacle sensitivity (OBS):Regulation of the activation timefrom 0.1 to 3 seconds.Status Operation5. Yellow LEDstays on3. Yellow ledflashes4. Within 5 seconds,press the programmingbutton P1/SETfor 1 sec.2. RESET: press andhold the programmingbutton P1/SETfor 2 sec.6. The control unitbriefly open7. The door close untilmechanical stop8. The control unitbriefly open9. Pause for onesecond10. The door closeuntil mechanical stopYellow LED switches offEND of learningprocedure1. Put the door in anintermediate position.Flashing light fixedFlashing light flashingDead man’s switch modeAutomatic closing modeStep by step mode (Open - Stop - Close - Stop)Step by step mode with automatic closingSafety test disabledSafety test enabledPROGRAM THE TRAVEL LIMITSSIMPLIFIED LEARNING PROCEDUREINITIAL SETTINGS OF DIP-SWITCHESTRIMMERMAXMAXMAXON1 2 3 4For better adjustment of the obstruction control, it may be necessary (mainly with the trimmer “FOR” set at themaximum or with heavy doors), to intervene during the opening and closing phases (points 7 - 8 - 10) by pressing theactivation key of the transmitter or the push button P1/SET on the control unit as soon as the driving carriage comesinto contact with the mechanical stop.!23