17 VISION 2460 INSTALL GUIDETUNG25 vTUNGTUNG25v25v504R5R3R8 Q2C10D7C12318REV1052C5C6R19R13C3C9R2R4LM32441C831NR1825 vTUNGTUNGTUNG25v25v25v504R5R3R8 Q2C10D7C12318REV1052C5C6R19C4R13C3C9R2R4LM32441C831NR18TUNG25 vTUNGTUNG25v25v504R5R3R8 Q2C10D7C12318REV1052C5C6R19R13C3C9R2R4LM32441C831NADJUSTING THE SHOCK SENSORThe shock sensor is factory preset to work well withmost vehicles out-of-the-box (50% setting). Howev-er, if you find that the siren is going off too easily, orif the siren doesn’t go off when you think it should,it’s time to adjust the sensitivity.Turn the sensitivity adjustment knob clockwise to increase sensitivity andcounter-clockwise to decrease. If you cannot find a suitable adjustmentlevel, consider remounting the shock sensor.SensitivityThe VISION 318-052 Active-IR shock sensor has been engineered to avoidfalse triggers in most situations. However, there is still the possibilitythe sensor could trigger the siren during a strong earthquake, jackham-mer operation adjacent to the vehicle, hurricane/typhoon, large explosions/fireworks, large animals ramming against the vehicle, etc. If any of theseextreme cases are anticipated, you can avoid false siren triggers simplyby Arming the system with the Sensor Bypass Arming, which ignores theshock sensor (see page 3 of the Owner’s Guide).Another consideration is temperature. The sensitivity can vary by as muchas 20% under extreme temperature conditions. You may wish to reduce thesensitivity in very hot weather and increase sensitivity in very cold weather.False AlarmsIf the shock sensor is not working well or at all, it may be that the sus-pended element inside the case was jolted out of position. Disconnect thewire harness, snap open the shock sensor case, and adjust as shown below.Suspended Reflector MalfunctionFull TriggerRED LEDWarning TriggerGREEN LEDSensitivityAdjustmentVISIONIR SHOCK SENSORSENSITIVITYADJUSTIncorrect AlignmentCorrect Alignment2460B2460B2460B