![Land Pride RTR15 Operator's Manual Manual pdf 26 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/3688466/ebfcb772ee2553c089b09aede6f0b4e626f.jpg)
24 RTR10 & RTR15 Series Rotary Tillers 311-431M 11/01/11Section 4: Maintenance & LubricationTable of ContentsClutch Disassembly & AssemblyIf clutch run-in procedure indicates that one or more of thefriction disks did not slip, then the clutch must bedisassembled to separate the friction disks.IMPORTANT: Before proceeding, secure clutchfirmly in a clamping device to prevent injury.10435Step 2Remove backup ring, lock collar,compression spring, bottom backupring, and balls.Step 3Tighten the four hex nuts uniformlyuntil the clutch pack and hub areloose.Step 4Bend all four retaining lugs out onedge of clutch housing.Step 5Remove thrust plate with BellevilleSprings and lug rings to accessfriction disks and hub for inspection orservice.2-Plate DisassemblyStep 1Remove snap ring.Step 6Inspect friction disks and hub.10449Step 2Compress Belleville Springs to thepressure plate by tightening the fourhex nuts and then placing theassembly into the clutch housing.Step 3Bend retaining lugs inward over theBelleville Spring edges to secure thespring before backing the four hexnuts off.Step 4With lugs bent in, loosen the four hexnuts completely to the end of thethreaded studs.Step 5Insert greased balls.Step 6Install bottom backup ring,compression spring, lock collar, andtop backup ring.Step 7Install snap ring.Step 1Place hub and friction disks into thehousing.2-Plate Assembly