18N31U User manualParameter symbol Description Range of changesEnable or disable theindividual characteristics.The OFF setting makespossible to disable theindividual characteri-stic function.Default: OFFOFF – individual characteristic disabled.ON – individual characteristic enabled.Number of points of theindividual characteristic.Default: 22...32The first point of the indi-vidual characteristic - thevalue measured directlyor the value convertedby the mathematical fun-ction.Default: 0-99999...999999Number of the item formoving window methodaveraging. Each item isa measurement taken inSAVG time.Default: 11...3600Selection of resistancecompensation methodof the connection cablesduring resistance or tem-perature measurementsusing RTD sensors orterminals temperaturecompensation for tempe-rature measurement withthermocouple sensors.Default: AUTOAUTO – automatic compensation of the terminals temperature is ena-bled (for measurements using the thermocouples) or cables resistancecompensation for resistance measurements (a 3-wire system is required).MANUAL – manual compensation of the measuring value. The tempe-rature value of the terminals is determined by MCOMP setting for mea-surements using the thermocouples. The resistance value of connectingcables is determined by MCOMP setting for resistance measurements.The resistance of theconnecting cables orterminals temperatureduring manual compen-sation (MANUAL).Default: 0-30...70 – for the input set to measure using the thermocouples.0...20 – for resistance measurement or temperature measurement usingthe RTD sensors.Mathematical functionselection which should beapplied for the measuringvalue. The mathematicalfunction is applied beforethe value is converted bythe individual charac-teristic.Default: NONENONE – no additional mathematical operations.Sqr – measuring value is squared.Sqrt – square root of the measuring value.Inv – reciprocal of the measuring value.InvSq – reciprocal of the measuring value is squared.InvSt – square root of reciprocal of the measuring value.