31N31U User manual400440050...50...2003 Reciprocal of the measuring quantity.4 Square of the reciprocal of the measuring quantity.5 Square root of the reciprocal of the measuring quantity.Main displayed value on the main display fieldValue Description0 Value of the measuring quantity, averaged and converted using themathematical functions and the individual characteristic1 Minimum value of the measuring quantity, averaged and converted usingthe mathematical functions and the individual characteristic, occurringduring the averaging window.2 Maximum value of the measuring quantity, averaged and convertedusing the mathematical functions and the individual characteristic,occurring during the averaging window.4006 0...6 2Displayed resolution - position of the decimal point.Value Format0 0000001 00000.02 0000.003 000.0004 00.00005 0.000006 Automatic - the position of the decimal point is set for maximumresolution.4007 0...2 0Contents of the bottom line of the display.Value Description0 Unit according to the selected unit (register 4008)1 Measuring value without the mathematical operations.2 Current time.4008 0...56 0Selection of the unit to be displayed in the lower line of the display on the mainscreen (see register 4006). See point 5.1.4009 0...9999 0Access protection code to make changed in the configuration using the meter menu.It would be required to provide a code each time when entering the meter menu incase of entering a value higher than zero.