Mytrix Technology - http://www.mytrixtech.com2014 Mytrix TechnologyAll rights reserved Third Version469.2 Avoiding overhangBecause the filament that come out from the nozzle is fluid during printing, it will dropdown for gravity reason, if there is any overhang in the printed image, the filament willdrop down. Therefore, we need to use software to form a support when print, andremove it after print is done. It is same as building a house, because the concrete is fluidwhich will drop down, so we need stake it off, and remove the wooden stakes after theconcrete is consolidated.Same as construction, after removing the wooden stakes, it will leave the stake marks.So after print finish, the support mark will be there. So if you want to improve the printquality, you need to avoid overhang as much as improve, the following twoaspects must be done:Choose the print direction, the one with minimum overhang