58 Magellan SporTrak GPS ReceiverReferenceAll of the Alarm options are set in the same way. The instructions belowapply to all of the Alarm settings. When the beeper is turned on for alarms(see Setup - Turning the Beeper On/Off ) an audible beep will be soundedfor the alarm. A visual alert is displayed for the alarm whether the beeper isturned on or off.FromAnyScreenHighlightAlarms/MsgHighlightAlarmFieldSelectAlarmDistanceSetting the Arrival Alarm — The arrival alarm alerts you that you havearrived at the destination of your GOTO or to the destination of anyleg in a route you are navigating on. This option allows you to set thedistance from the destination that the alarm will begin to sound.Setting the Anchor Alarm — The anchor alarm will sound when you havedrifted from your anchor point at a distance you set. An example of itsuse would be as you set anchor you turn on the anchor alarm to beep ata given distance. With the SporTrak still operating and computing fixesyou can then go fishing or other activities knowing that if you drift morethan the distance you selected, the SporTrak will alert you.Setting the XTE Alarm — XTE or cross track errors happen when you areoff course for the route you are navigating on. The distance set in thealarm is the distance left or right of the heading you are supposed to betravelling on.Setting the GPS Fix Alarm — This turns on or off the alarm that cansound whenever the SporTrak has lost its ability to compute positionfixes due to loss of signal from the satellites. This is handy in that italerts you that you may need to move to an area that has a clearer viewof the sky.