(f) service performed or attempted by anyone other thanan authorized Magellan Service Center;(g) any product, components or parts not manufactured byMagellan,(h) that the receiver will be free from any claim forinfringement of any patent, trademark, copyright or otherproprietary right, including trade secrets(i) any damage due to accident, resulting from inaccuratesatellite transmissions. Inaccurate transmissions can occurdue to changes in the position, health or geometry ofa satellite or modifications to the receiver that may berequired due to any change in the GPS. (Note: MagellanGPS receivers use GPS or GPS+GLONASS to obtainposition, velocity and time information. GPS is operatedby the U.S. Government and GLONASS is the GlobalNavigation Satellite System of the Russian Federation, whichare solely responsible for the accuracy and maintenanceof their systems. Certain conditions can cause inaccuracieswhich could require modifications to the receiver. Examplesof such conditions include but are not limited to changes inthe GPS or GLONASS transmission.).The opening, dismantling or repairing of this product by anyoneother than an authorized Magellan Service Center will void thiswarranty.6. EXCLUSION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES(a) MAGELLAN SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TOPURCHASER(b) OR ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY INDIRECT,INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGESWHATSOEVER, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TOLOST PROFITS, DAMAGES ARISING FROM A DELAYOR LOSS OF USE, OR OUT OF THE BREACH OF THISWARRANTY OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY EVEN IFCAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OR ANOTHER FAULTOF MAGELLAN OR OUT OF THE NEGLIGENT USAGEOF THE PRODUCT. IN NO EVENT WILL MAGELLAN BEHELD RESPONSIBLE FOR SUCH DAMAGES, EVEN IFMAGELLAN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITYOF SUCH DAMAGES.(c) Some national, state, or local laws do not allow the exclusionor limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the abovelimitation or exclusion may not apply to you.7. COMPLETE AGREEMENT(a) This written warranty is the complete, final and exclusiveagreement between Magellan and the purchaser with respect tothe quality of performance of the goods and any and all warrantiesand representations. THIS WARRANTY SETS FORTH ALLOF MAGELLAN’S RESPONSIBILITIES REGARDING THISPRODUCT. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFICRIGHTS. YOU MAY HAVE OTHER RIGHTS WHICHVARY FROM LOCALITY TO LOCALITY AND CERTAINLIMITATIONS CONTAINED IN THIS WARRANTY MAYNOT APPLY TO YOU.(b) If any part of this limited warranty is held to be invalidor unenforceable, the remainder of the limited warranty shallnonetheless remain in full force and effect.8. CHOICE OF LAW. This limited warranty is governedby the laws of the State of California, without reference to itsconflict of law provisions or the U.N. Convention on Contractsfor the International Sale of Goods, and shall benefit Magellan,its successors and assigns. This warranty does not affect theconsumer’s statutory rights under applicable laws in force in theirlocality, nor the customer’s rights against the dealer arising fromtheir sales/purchase contract.For further information concerning this limited warranty, pleasevisit Magellan’s website www.magellangps.com or contact:End User License AgreementThis End-User License Agreement (“Agreement”) is made byand between MiTAC Digital Corp. and its affiliates (“Magellan”)and the end-user of the Software (“Customer”). By clicking theacceptance button, installing, downloading or using the Softwareonto a computer, personal navigation device, cell phone or otherproduct intended for use with the Software (“Product”), Customeragrees to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of thisAgreement, including the use restrictions, warranty disclaimer andlimitation of liability set forth below. If Customer does not agreeto be bound by all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement,Customer must (i) immediately stop the installation, downloadingand/or use of the Software and delete any Software downloadedfrom the web from its computer, as applicable, and (ii) whereSoftware was acquired with Product, return the Software to theretailer who sold the Software.1. Grant of License to Software. Magellan hereby grants toCustomer a non-exclusive, personal and non-assignable licenseto install, operate and use the Magellan software covered by thisAgreement (“Software”) and use the documentation provided withthe same (“Documentation”), subject to the following restrictions:(i) Customer shall use the Software for non-commercial purposesonly and, for Software intended for download onto a computer,on a single computer owned or leased by Customer, providedthat Customer may transfer the Software from one computerto another so long as the Software is operated only on one (1)computer at any time;(ii) Customer shall use the Software solely to download data foruse solely with a single Product, and shall not sell, trade, lease,rent or hire out the Software to any third party or otherwise actas a service bureau (which restriction, for the avoidance of doubt,shall extend to any situation in which Customer becomes subjectto any bankruptcy or insolvency laws or otherwise makes anyassignment for the benefit of its creditors);(iii) Customer shall not modify, reverse engineer, decompile ordisassemble or create derivative works of the Software; and(iv) Customer shall not copy the Documentation.Magellan (and, where applicable, its third party suppliers)retain all rights not expressly granted to Customer under thisAgreement, to the Software and any software program(s) and/or data compiled into same and supplied by Magellan underlicense from third party suppliers, including without limitation,NAVTEQ North America, LLC and Tele Atlas N.V. (“Third PartySoftware”).