Playing A Disc RepeatedlyYou can repeat a title or chapter.1. To repeat a chapter:Press REPEAT , the screen will show:2. To repeat a title:Press REPEAT twice, the screen willshow:3. To repeat all:Press REPEAT third time, the screenshows " ALL".4. To remove "REPEAT" function:Press REPEAT until " ALL"disappears.● You may repeat a track or an entire discaccording to the following steps.1. To repeat a track:Press REPEAT , the screen shows" TRACK".The unit plays the current track.TITLECHAPTERDVDCDREPEATpage26Play Discs In Various WaysREPEAT2. To repeat a disc:Press REPEAT , the screen shows" ALL".The unit plays all the tracks on the disc.3. To remove "REPEAT" function:Press REPEAT till " ALL"disappears.ALLTRACKREPEATREPEATZoom PlayThis function can be used to watch amotion or motionless picture.1. Press ZOOM during playback,the screen shows:The picture is enlarged twice the size.2. Press ZOOM again, the screen shows:The picture is enlarged three times the size.Note: The unit has six zoom levels:3. Press , , , to move the enlargedpicture.4. To resume the picture, press ZOOM untilthe picture is in normal size.2XDVD3X2X,1/4 .3X, 4X, 1/2 , 1/3 , andZOOM